So this is a page all about me. I am not use to talking about myself much. I am really on the shy side. I was born and
raised in Tulare, California. Yep I am a California Girl! I have lived here all my life except for the seven years I spent
with my husband, Richard, traveling while he was in the service. That took up the first seven years of our nearly
33 year marriage. It was alot of fun and we met some wonderful friends that have lasted through all the years. We went to
Germany twice. Infact my son was born in germany in 1973. Speaking of kids we have two. Our daughter Christy who is 32
and our son Curtis who is 31. Our daughter is married to a wonderful man named Jon and between the two of them they
have 3 beautiful daughters. Tiffany 18 this year, Rachel 12 and Courtney who will be 8. Our son and his wife Sabrina has
a daughter who is nearly 3 years old whose name is Madison and a son, 7, whose name is Tristan. I dearly love my children
and grandchildren. They are the apples of my eye and the warmth in my heart. I have an "adopted son" who has been best friends
with my son since high school and who has always been a part of our family. His name is Ricardo and he is married to a wonderful
young lady whose name is Michelle and they have a beautiful new daugther, Iliana who will be a year old this year. They are
all my family and in my heart.
Of course I can not forget my four legged babies. I have two beautiful cocker spaniels that are 3 years old. Gypsy and
Mandy are my constant companions. I would be lost without them.
I have always wanted to be a writer. From my earliest memory I have written short stories and the like. I have always
written poems and am proud to say that I have one now published. I am very excited about that. You can read it on the page
where it says new listings.
I remember I wrote a story one time while I was in high school. My friends all told me to let my english teacher, Mr.
Vincent, read it because they all thought it was so great. I was really quite shy back then but I did. He read it and gave
me an A+ on it. Told me I had real talent and that I should do something with it. Let me tell you that really made my day.
But you know how it goes. Time and other things get in the way of dreams so I put it on the back burner. About twenty or so
years ago a friend turned me onto paperback historical novels. Oh my God! I was hooked. What can I say except that I felt
the need not only to read but to write one of my own. I dabbled for a few years and then got really serious. That is when
I wrote Hell's Raging Fury. I was so proud of it. But once again, fate stepped in and it got put on the back burner. When
we got our first computer a few years ago I became serious once again and this time was determined to make my dream come
true. I can not tell you how many times I was rejected. When I came across I took a chance. Boy am I
glad I did!
They wanted my manuscript and now in december this year I will be a published author. My life long dream will have come
I am a firm believer in everything happening for a reason. This is my time now and I am being showered with beautiful
I hope you never give up your dream. It will come when your time is right and you are ready for it.
Blessings to you all,