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Hell's Raging Fury
Dragon Lord of Kells

I am proud to let you read my first published poem. I am very proud of it. Hope you like it too. It was published by and is in the book The Colors Of Life. As this page is a work in progress I will soon have news for you about Hell's Raging Fury and any new works.

True Love's Kiss

Upon my back

the golden fleece

of ancient times

doth ride

amongst the weary traveling heart

that divides my wasted time

tho arrows pierce my ragged heart

and takes me here and there

upon this sweet and savage earth

I wander in despair

no noble deeds have I done

to imortalize my throng

just wasted years among the thorns

to keep me nigh beyond

No valiant heart to caress my soul

no loving heart that binds

no arms to wrap and hold me close

within the folds of time

beyond the great all seeing light

of clouds, of lore and mist

my soul does wander in the night

awaiting true love's kiss



I just wanted to let you all know that I was nominated for poet of the year 2004/2005 by the International Society of Poets! It was a great honor to have been nominated and I will forever be grateful to them.

2008 News...

I am in the process of setting up booksignings in my area. Soon as they are a done deal i will post it here. Anyone close by please come and get an autographed copy of Dragon Lord of Kells: Book 1 The Empowered Spirits Series. I would love to meet you!